/*! elementor - v3.24.0 - 15-10-2024 */ (()=>{var C={71177:(C,T,B)=>{"use strict";function n(C){for(var T=arguments.length,B=Array(T>1?T-1:0),q=1;q3?T.i-4:T.i:Array.isArray(C)?1:s(C)?2:v(C)?3:0}function u(C,T){return 2===o(C)?C.has(T):Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(C,T)}function a(C,T){return 2===o(C)?C.get(T):C[T]}function f(C,T,B){var q=o(C);2===q?C.set(T,B):3===q?C.add(B):C[T]=B}function c(C,T){return C===T?0!==C||1/C==1/T:C!=C&&T!=T}function s(C){return W&&C instanceof Map}function v(C){return $&&C instanceof Set}function p(C){return C.o||C.t}function l(C){if(Array.isArray(C))return Array.prototype.slice.call(C);var T=Q(C);delete T[X];for(var B=J(T),q=0;q1&&(C.set=C.add=C.clear=C.delete=h),Object.freeze(C),T&&i(C,(function(C,T){return d(T,!0)}),!0)),C}function h(){n(2)}function y(C){return null==C||"object"!=typeof C||Object.isFrozen(C)}function b(C){var T=Z[C];return T||n(18,C),T}function m(C,T){Z[C]||(Z[C]=T)}function _(){return L}function j(C,T){T&&(b("Patches"),C.u=[],C.s=[],C.v=T)}function g(C){O(C),C.p.forEach(S),C.p=null}function O(C){C===L&&(L=C.l)}function w(C){return L={p:[],l:L,h:C,m:!0,_:0}}function S(C){var T=C[X];0===T.i||1===T.i?T.j():T.g=!0}function P(C,T){T._=T.p.length;var B=T.p[0],q=void 0!==C&&C!==B;return T.h.O||b("ES5").S(T,C,q),q?(B[X].P&&(g(T),n(4)),t(C)&&(C=M(T,C),T.l||x(T,C)),T.u&&b("Patches").M(B[X].t,C,T.u,T.s)):C=M(T,B,[]),g(T),T.u&&T.v(T.u,T.s),C!==H?C:void 0}function M(C,T,B){if(y(T))return T;var q=T[X];if(!q)return i(T,(function(L,U){return A(C,q,T,L,U,B)}),!0),T;if(q.A!==C)return T;if(!q.P)return x(C,q.t,!0),q.t;if(!q.I){q.I=!0,q.A._--;var L=4===q.i||5===q.i?q.o=l(q.k):q.o,U=L,W=!1;3===q.i&&(U=new Set(L),L.clear(),W=!0),i(U,(function(T,U){return A(C,q,L,T,U,B,W)})),x(C,L,!1),B&&C.u&&b("Patches").N(q,B,C.u,C.s)}return q.o}function A(C,T,B,q,L,U,W){if(r(L)){var $=M(C,L,U&&T&&3!==T.i&&!u(T.R,q)?U.concat(q):void 0);if(f(B,q,$),!r($))return;C.m=!1}else W&&B.add(L);if(t(L)&&!y(L)){if(!C.h.D&&C._<1)return;M(C,L),T&&T.A.l||x(C,L)}}function x(C,T,B){void 0===B&&(B=!1),!C.l&&C.h.D&&C.m&&d(T,B)}function z(C,T){var B=C[X];return(B?p(B):C)[T]}function I(C,T){if(T in C)for(var B=Object.getPrototypeOf(C);B;){var q=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(B,T);if(q)return q;B=Object.getPrototypeOf(B)}}function k(C){C.P||(C.P=!0,C.l&&k(C.l))}function E(C){C.o||(C.o=l(C.t))}function N(C,T,B){var q=s(T)?b("MapSet").F(T,B):v(T)?b("MapSet").T(T,B):C.O?function(C,T){var B=Array.isArray(C),q={i:B?1:0,A:T?T.A:_(),P:!1,I:!1,R:{},l:T,t:C,k:null,o:null,j:null,C:!1},L=q,U=Y;B&&(L=[q],U=ee);var W=Proxy.revocable(L,U),$=W.revoke,V=W.proxy;return q.k=V,q.j=$,V}(T,B):b("ES5").J(T,B);return(B?B.A:_()).p.push(q),q}function R(C){return r(C)||n(22,C),function n(C){if(!t(C))return C;var T,B=C[X],q=o(C);if(B){if(!B.P&&(B.i<4||!b("ES5").K(B)))return B.t;B.I=!0,T=D(C,q),B.I=!1}else T=D(C,q);return i(T,(function(C,q){B&&a(B.t,C)===q||f(T,C,n(q))})),3===q?new Set(T):T}(C)}function D(C,T){switch(T){case 2:return new Map(C);case 3:return Array.from(C)}return l(C)}function F(){function t(T,B){var q=C[T];return q?q.enumerable=B:C[T]=q={configurable:!0,enumerable:B,get:function(){var C=this[X];return Y.get(C,T)},set:function(C){var B=this[X];Y.set(B,T,C)}},q}function e(C){for(var T=C.length-1;T>=0;T--){var B=C[T][X];if(!B.P)switch(B.i){case 5:a(B)&&k(B);break;case 4:o(B)&&k(B)}}}function o(C){for(var T=C.t,B=C.k,q=J(B),L=q.length-1;L>=0;L--){var U=q[L];if(U!==X){var W=T[U];if(void 0===W&&!u(T,U))return!0;var $=B[U],V=$&&$[X];if(V?V.t!==W:!c($,W))return!0}}var H=!!T[X];return q.length!==J(T).length+(H?0:1)}function a(C){var T=C.k;if(T.length!==C.t.length)return!0;var B=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(T,T.length-1);if(B&&!B.get)return!0;for(var q=0;qSe,MiddlewareArray:()=>Ae,SHOULD_AUTOBATCH:()=>Ve,TaskAbortError:()=>Be,__DO_NOT_USE__ActionTypes:()=>ue,addListener:()=>Fe,applyMiddleware:()=>applyMiddleware,autoBatchEnhancer:()=>autoBatchEnhancer,bindActionCreators:()=>bindActionCreators,clearAllListeners:()=>Ue,combineReducers:()=>combineReducers,compose:()=>compose,configureStore:()=>configureStore,createAction:()=>createAction,createActionCreatorInvariantMiddleware:()=>createActionCreatorInvariantMiddleware,createAsyncThunk:()=>Pe,createDraftSafeSelector:()=>createDraftSafeSelector,createEntityAdapter:()=>createEntityAdapter,createImmutableStateInvariantMiddleware:()=>createImmutableStateInvariantMiddleware,createListenerMiddleware:()=>createListenerMiddleware,createNextState:()=>oe,createReducer:()=>createReducer,createSelector:()=>le,createSerializableStateInvariantMiddleware:()=>createSerializableStateInvariantMiddleware,createSlice:()=>createSlice,createStore:()=>createStore,current:()=>R,findNonSerializableValue:()=>findNonSerializableValue,freeze:()=>d,getDefaultMiddleware:()=>getDefaultMiddleware,getType:()=>getType,isAction:()=>isAction,isActionCreator:()=>isActionCreator,isAllOf:()=>isAllOf,isAnyOf:()=>isAnyOf,isAsyncThunkAction:()=>isAsyncThunkAction,isDraft:()=>r,isFluxStandardAction:()=>isFSA,isFulfilled:()=>isFulfilled,isImmutableDefault:()=>isImmutableDefault,isPending:()=>isPending,isPlain:()=>isPlain,isPlainObject:()=>redux_toolkit_esm_isPlainObject,isRejected:()=>isRejected,isRejectedWithValue:()=>isRejectedWithValue,legacy_createStore:()=>ce,miniSerializeError:()=>miniSerializeError,nanoid:()=>nanoid,original:()=>e,prepareAutoBatched:()=>prepareAutoBatched,removeListener:()=>We,unwrapResult:()=>unwrapResult});var q,L,U="undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol("x"),W="undefined"!=typeof Map,$="undefined"!=typeof Set,V="undefined"!=typeof Proxy&&void 0!==Proxy.revocable&&"undefined"!=typeof Reflect,H=U?Symbol.for("immer-nothing"):((q={})["immer-nothing"]=!0,q),K=U?Symbol.for("immer-draftable"):"__$immer_draftable",X=U?Symbol.for("immer-state"):"__$immer_state",G=("undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.iterator,""+Object.prototype.constructor),J="undefined"!=typeof Reflect&&Reflect.ownKeys?Reflect.ownKeys:void 0!==Object.getOwnPropertySymbols?function(C){return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(C).concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(C))}:Object.getOwnPropertyNames,Q=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors||function(C){var T={};return J(C).forEach((function(B){T[B]=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(C,B)})),T},Z={},Y={get:function(C,T){if(T===X)return C;var B=p(C);if(!u(B,T))return function(C,T,B){var q,L=I(T,B);return L?"value"in L?L.value:null===(q=L.get)||void 0===q?void 0:q.call(C.k):void 0}(C,B,T);var q=B[T];return C.I||!t(q)?q:q===z(C.t,T)?(E(C),C.o[T]=N(C.A.h,q,C)):q},has:function(C,T){return T in p(C)},ownKeys:function(C){return Reflect.ownKeys(p(C))},set:function(C,T,B){var q=I(p(C),T);if(null==q?void 0:q.set)return q.set.call(C.k,B),!0;if(!C.P){var L=z(p(C),T),U=null==L?void 0:L[X];if(U&&U.t===B)return C.o[T]=B,C.R[T]=!1,!0;if(c(B,L)&&(void 0!==B||u(C.t,T)))return!0;E(C),k(C)}return C.o[T]===B&&(void 0!==B||T in C.o)||Number.isNaN(B)&&Number.isNaN(C.o[T])||(C.o[T]=B,C.R[T]=!0),!0},deleteProperty:function(C,T){return void 0!==z(C.t,T)||T in C.t?(C.R[T]=!1,E(C),k(C)):delete C.R[T],C.o&&delete C.o[T],!0},getOwnPropertyDescriptor:function(C,T){var B=p(C),q=Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(B,T);return q?{writable:!0,configurable:1!==C.i||"length"!==T,enumerable:q.enumerable,value:B[T]}:q},defineProperty:function(){n(11)},getPrototypeOf:function(C){return Object.getPrototypeOf(C.t)},setPrototypeOf:function(){n(12)}},ee={};i(Y,(function(C,T){ee[C]=function(){return arguments[0]=arguments[0][0],T.apply(this,arguments)}})),ee.deleteProperty=function(C,T){return ee.set.call(this,C,T,void 0)},ee.set=function(C,T,B){return Y.set.call(this,C[0],T,B,C[0])};var te=function(){function e(C){var T=this;this.O=V,this.D=!0,this.produce=function(C,B,q){if("function"==typeof C&&"function"!=typeof B){var L=B;B=C;var U=T;return function(C){var T=this;void 0===C&&(C=L);for(var q=arguments.length,W=Array(q>1?q-1:0),$=1;$1?q-1:0),U=1;U=0;B--){var q=T[B];if(0===q.path.length&&"replace"===q.op){C=q.value;break}}B>-1&&(T=T.slice(B+1));var L=b("Patches").$;return r(C)?L(C,T):this.produce(C,(function(C){return L(C,T)}))},e}(),re=new te,ne=re.produce;re.produceWithPatches.bind(re),re.setAutoFreeze.bind(re),re.setUseProxies.bind(re),re.applyPatches.bind(re),re.createDraft.bind(re),re.finishDraft.bind(re);const oe=ne;function _typeof(C){return _typeof="function"==typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator?function(C){return typeof C}:function(C){return C&&"function"==typeof Symbol&&C.constructor===Symbol&&C!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof C},_typeof(C)}function toPropertyKey(C){var T=function toPrimitive(C,T){if("object"!=_typeof(C)||!C)return C;var B=C[Symbol.toPrimitive];if(void 0!==B){var q=B.call(C,T||"default");if("object"!=_typeof(q))return q;throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.")}return("string"===T?String:Number)(C)}(C,"string");return"symbol"==_typeof(T)?T:String(T)}function ownKeys(C,T){var B=Object.keys(C);if(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols){var q=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(C);T&&(q=q.filter((function(T){return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(C,T).enumerable}))),B.push.apply(B,q)}return B}function _objectSpread2(C){for(var T=1;T-1){var L=B[q];return q>0&&(B.splice(q,1),B.unshift(L)),L.value}return se}return{get,put:function put(T,q){get(T)===se&&(B.unshift({key:T,value:q}),B.length>C&&B.pop())},getEntries:function getEntries(){return B},clear:function clear(){B=[]}}}(W,V);function memoized(){var T=H.get(arguments);if(T===se){if(T=C.apply(null,arguments),$){var B=H.getEntries().find((function(C){return $(C.value,T)}));B&&(T=B.value)}H.put(arguments,T)}return T}return memoized.clearCache=function(){return H.clear()},memoized}function createSelectorCreator(C){for(var T=arguments.length,B=new Array(T>1?T-1:0),q=1;q0&&L[L.length-1])||6!==U[0]&&2!==U[0])){W=0;continue}if(3===U[0]&&(!L||U[1]>L[0]&&U[1]-1}function getType(C){return""+C}function createActionCreatorInvariantMiddleware(C){return void 0===C&&(C={}),function(){return function(C){return function(T){return C(T)}}}}var Ae=function(C){function MiddlewareArray(){for(var T=[],B=0;B",value:C};if("object"!=typeof C||null===C)return!1;if(null==U?void 0:U.has(C))return!1;for(var $=null!=q?q(C):Object.entries(C),V=L.length>0,_loop_2=function(C,$){var H=T?T+"."+C:C;if(V&&L.some((function(C){return C instanceof RegExp?C.test(H):H===C})))return"continue";return B($)?"object"==typeof $&&(W=findNonSerializableValue($,H,B,q,L,U))?{value:W}:void 0:{value:{keyPath:H,value:$}}},H=0,K=$;H0){var U=T.filter((function(T){return function takeNewKey(T,B,q){var L=q.entities[B.id],U=Object.assign({},L,B.changes),W=selectIdValue(U,C),$=W!==B.id;return $&&(T[B.id]=W,delete q.entities[B.id]),q.entities[W]=U,$}(q,T,B)})).length>0;U&&(B.ids=Object.keys(B.entities))}}function upsertManyMutably(T,B){var q=splitAddedUpdatedEntities(T,C,B),L=q[0];updateManyMutably(q[1],B),addManyMutably(L,B)}return{removeAll:(T=function removeAllMutably(C){Object.assign(C,{ids:[],entities:{}})},B=createStateOperator((function(C,B){return T(B)})),function operation(C){return B(C,void 0)}),addOne:createStateOperator(addOneMutably),addMany:createStateOperator(addManyMutably),setOne:createStateOperator(setOneMutably),setMany:createStateOperator((function setManyMutably(C,T){for(var B=0,q=C=ensureEntitiesArray(C);B-1;return B&&q}function isAsyncThunkArray(C){return"function"==typeof C[0]&&"pending"in C[0]&&"fulfilled"in C[0]&&"rejected"in C[0]}function isPending(){for(var C=[],T=0;T0)for(var V=C.getState(),H=Array.from(B.values()),K=0,X=H;K{"use strict";var q=B(73203);Object.defineProperty(T,"__esModule",{value:!0}),T.default=T.Close=void 0;var L=q(B(78983)),U=q(B(42081)),W=q(B(58724)),$=q(B(71173)),V=q(B(74910));function _createSuper(C){var T=function _isNativeReflectConstruct(){if("undefined"==typeof Reflect||!Reflect.construct)return!1;if(Reflect.construct.sham)return!1;if("function"==typeof Proxy)return!0;try{return Boolean.prototype.valueOf.call(Reflect.construct(Boolean,[],(function(){}))),!0}catch(C){return!1}}();return function _createSuperInternal(){var B,q=(0,V.default)(C);if(T){var L=(0,V.default)(this).constructor;B=Reflect.construct(q,arguments,L)}else B=q.apply(this,arguments);return(0,$.default)(this,B)}}var H=function(C){(0,W.default)(Close,C);var T=_createSuper(Close);function 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Reflect||!Reflect.construct)return!1;if(Reflect.construct.sham)return!1;if("function"==typeof Proxy)return!0;try{return Boolean.prototype.valueOf.call(Reflect.construct(Boolean,[],(function(){}))),!0}catch(C){return!1}}();return function _createSuperInternal(){var B,q=(0,V.default)(C);if(T){var L=(0,V.default)(this).constructor;B=Reflect.construct(q,arguments,L)}else B=q.apply(this,arguments);return(0,$.default)(this,B)}}var H=function(C){(0,W.default)(Load,C);var T=_createSuper(Load);function Load(){return(0,L.default)(this,Load),T.apply(this,arguments)}return(0,U.default)(Load,[{key:"apply",value:function apply(C){var T=this.component;T.iframe||(T.iframe=document.createElement("iframe"),T.iframe.className="elementor-app-iframe",T.iframe.style.cssText="display: none;width: 100%;height: 100%;position: fixed;top: 0;left: 0;z-index: 99999; /* Over WP Admin Bar */background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);",document.body.appendChild(T.iframe)),C.url!==T.iframe.src&&(T.iframe.src=C.url)}}]),Load}($e.modules.CommandBase);T.Load=H;var K=H;T.default=K},59139:(C,T,B)=>{"use strict";var q=B(73203);Object.defineProperty(T,"__esModule",{value:!0}),T.default=T.Open=void 0;var L=q(B(78983)),U=q(B(42081)),W=q(B(58724)),$=q(B(71173)),V=q(B(74910));function _createSuper(C){var T=function _isNativeReflectConstruct(){if("undefined"==typeof Reflect||!Reflect.construct)return!1;if(Reflect.construct.sham)return!1;if("function"==typeof Proxy)return!0;try{return Boolean.prototype.valueOf.call(Reflect.construct(Boolean,[],(function(){}))),!0}catch(C){return!1}}();return function _createSuperInternal(){var B,q=(0,V.default)(C);if(T){var L=(0,V.default)(this).constructor;B=Reflect.construct(q,arguments,L)}else B=q.apply(this,arguments);return(0,$.default)(this,B)}}var H=function(C){(0,W.default)(Open,C);var T=_createSuper(Open);function Open(){return(0,L.default)(this,Open),T.apply(this,arguments)}return(0,U.default)(Open,[{key:"apply",value:function apply(C){return $e.route("app",C),!0}}]),Open}($e.modules.CommandBase);T.Open=H;var K=H;T.default=K},34261:(C,T,B)=>{"use strict";var q=B(73203),L=B(7501);Object.defineProperty(T,"__esModule",{value:!0}),T.default=void 0;var U=q(B(78983)),W=q(B(42081)),$=q(B(58724)),V=q(B(71173)),H=q(B(74910)),K=q(B(19263)),X=function _interopRequireWildcard(C,T){if(!T&&C&&C.__esModule)return C;if(null===C||"object"!==L(C)&&"function"!=typeof C)return{default:C};var B=_getRequireWildcardCache(T);if(B&&B.has(C))return B.get(C);var q={},U=Object.defineProperty&&Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;for(var W in C)if("default"!==W&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(C,W)){var $=U?Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(C,W):null;$&&($.get||$.set)?Object.defineProperty(q,W,$):q[W]=C[W]}q.default=C,B&&B.set(C,q);return q}(B(2584));function _getRequireWildcardCache(C){if("function"!=typeof WeakMap)return null;var T=new WeakMap,B=new WeakMap;return(_getRequireWildcardCache=function _getRequireWildcardCache(C){return C?B:T})(C)}function _createSuper(C){var T=function _isNativeReflectConstruct(){if("undefined"==typeof Reflect||!Reflect.construct)return!1;if(Reflect.construct.sham)return!1;if("function"==typeof Proxy)return!0;try{return Boolean.prototype.valueOf.call(Reflect.construct(Boolean,[],(function(){}))),!0}catch(C){return!1}}();return function _createSuperInternal(){var B,q=(0,H.default)(C);if(T){var L=(0,H.default)(this).constructor;B=Reflect.construct(q,arguments,L)}else B=q.apply(this,arguments);return(0,V.default)(this,B)}}var G=function(C){(0,$.default)(Component,C);var T=_createSuper(Component);function Component(){return(0,U.default)(this,Component),T.apply(this,arguments)}return(0,W.default)(Component,[{key:"getNamespace",value:function getNamespace(){return"app"}},{key:"defaultRoutes",value:function defaultRoutes(){var C=this;return{"":function 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F(){};return{s:L,n:function n(){return q>=C.length?{done:!0}:{done:!1,value:C[q++]}},e:function e(C){throw C},f:L}}throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")}var U,W=!0,$=!1;return{s:function s(){B=B.call(C)},n:function n(){var C=B.next();return W=C.done,C},e:function e(C){$=!0,U=C},f:function f(){try{W||null==B.return||B.return()}finally{if($)throw U}}}}function _arrayLikeToArray(C,T){(null==T||T>C.length)&&(T=C.length);for(var B=0,q=new Array(T);B{"use strict";var q=B(73203);Object.defineProperty(T,"__esModule",{value:!0}),T.default=void 0;var L=q(B(7501)),U=q(B(78983)),W=q(B(42081)),$=q(B(58724)),V=q(B(71173)),H=q(B(74910)),K=q(B(27597)),X=q(B(90381));function _createSuper(C){var T=function _isNativeReflectConstruct(){if("undefined"==typeof Reflect||!Reflect.construct)return!1;if(Reflect.construct.sham)return!1;if("function"==typeof Proxy)return!0;try{return Boolean.prototype.valueOf.call(Reflect.construct(Boolean,[],(function(){}))),!0}catch(C){return!1}}();return function _createSuperInternal(){var B,q=(0,H.default)(C);if(T){var L=(0,H.default)(this).constructor;B=Reflect.construct(q,arguments,L)}else B=q.apply(this,arguments);return(0,V.default)(this,B)}}var G=function(C){(0,$.default)(ArgsObject,C);var T=_createSuper(ArgsObject);function ArgsObject(C){var B;return(0,U.default)(this,ArgsObject),(B=T.call(this)).args=C,B}return(0,W.default)(ArgsObject,[{key:"requireArgument",value:function requireArgument(C){var T=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:this.args;if(!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(T,C))throw Error("".concat(C," is required."))}},{key:"requireArgumentType",value:function requireArgumentType(C,T){var B=arguments.length>2&&void 0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:this.args;if(this.requireArgument(C,B),(0,L.default)(B[C])!==T)throw Error("".concat(C," invalid type: ").concat(T,"."))}},{key:"requireArgumentInstance",value:function requireArgumentInstance(C,T){var B=arguments.length>2&&void 0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:this.args;if(this.requireArgument(C,B),!(B[C]instanceof T||(0,X.default)(B[C],T)))throw Error("".concat(C," invalid instance."))}},{key:"requireArgumentConstructor",value:function requireArgumentConstructor(C,T){var B=arguments.length>2&&void 0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:this.args;if(this.requireArgument(C,B),B[C].constructor.toString()!==T.prototype.constructor.toString())throw Error("".concat(C," invalid constructor type."))}}],[{key:"getInstanceType",value:function getInstanceType(){return"ArgsObject"}}]),ArgsObject}(K.default);T.default=G},27597:(C,T,B)=>{"use strict";var q=B(73203);Object.defineProperty(T,"__esModule",{value:!0}),T.default=void 0;var L=q(B(78983)),U=q(B(42081)),W=q(B(51121)),$=q(B(74910)),V=function(C){function InstanceType(){var C=this;(0,L.default)(this,InstanceType);for(var T=this instanceof InstanceType?this.constructor:void 0,B=[];T.__proto__&&T.__proto__.name;)B.push(T.__proto__),T=T.__proto__;B.reverse().forEach((function(T){return C instanceof T}))}return(0,U.default)(InstanceType,null,[{key:C,value:function value(C){var T=(0,W.default)((0,$.default)(InstanceType),Symbol.hasInstance,this).call(this,C);if(C&&!C.constructor.getInstanceType)return T;if(C&&(C.instanceTypes||(C.instanceTypes=[]),T||this.getInstanceType()===C.constructor.getInstanceType()&&(T=!0),T)){var B=this.getInstanceType===InstanceType.getInstanceType?"BaseInstanceType":this.getInstanceType();-1===C.instanceTypes.indexOf(B)&&C.instanceTypes.push(B)}return!T&&C&&(T=C.instanceTypes&&Array.isArray(C.instanceTypes)&&-1!==C.instanceTypes.indexOf(this.getInstanceType())),T}},{key:"getInstanceType",value:function getInstanceType(){elementorModules.ForceMethodImplementation()}}]),InstanceType}(Symbol.hasInstance);T.default=V},1192:(C,T,B)=>{"use strict";var q=B(73203)(B(7501)),L=function Module(){var C,T=jQuery,B=arguments,L=this,U={};this.getItems=function(C,T){if(T){var B=T.split("."),q=B.splice(0,1);if(!B.length)return C[q];if(!C[q])return;return this.getItems(C[q],B.join("."))}return C},this.getSettings=function(T){return this.getItems(C,T)},this.setSettings=function(B,U,W){if(W||(W=C),"object"===(0,q.default)(B))return T.extend(W,B),L;var $=B.split("."),V=$.splice(0,1);return $.length?(W[V]||(W[V]={}),L.setSettings($.join("."),U,W[V])):(W[V]=U,L)},this.getErrorMessage=function(C,T){var B;if("forceMethodImplementation"===C)B="The method '".concat(T,"' must to be implemented in the inheritor child.");else B="An error occurs";return B},this.forceMethodImplementation=function(C){throw new Error(this.getErrorMessage("forceMethodImplementation",C))},this.on=function(C,B){return"object"===(0,q.default)(C)?(T.each(C,(function(C){L.on(C,this)})),L):(C.split(" ").forEach((function(C){U[C]||(U[C]=[]),U[C].push(B)})),L)},this.off=function(C,T){if(!U[C])return L;if(!T)return delete U[C],L;var B=U[C].indexOf(T);return-1!==B&&(delete U[C][B],U[C]=U[C].filter((function(C){return C}))),L},this.trigger=function(C){var B="on"+C[0].toUpperCase()+C.slice(1),q=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,1);L[B]&&L[B].apply(L,q);var W=U[C];return W?(T.each(W,(function(C,T){T.apply(L,q)})),L):L},function init(){L.__construct.apply(L,B),function ensureClosureMethods(){T.each(L,(function(C){var T=L[C];"function"==typeof T&&(L[C]=function(){return T.apply(L,arguments)})}))}(),function initSettings(){C=L.getDefaultSettings();var q=B[0];q&&T.extend(!0,C,q)}(),L.trigger("init")}()};L.prototype.__construct=function(){},L.prototype.getDefaultSettings=function(){return{}},L.prototype.getConstructorID=function(){return this.constructor.name},L.extend=function(C){var T=jQuery,B=this,q=function child(){return B.apply(this,arguments)};return T.extend(q,B),(q.prototype=Object.create(T.extend({},B.prototype,C))).constructor=q,q.__super__=B.prototype,q},C.exports=L},83024:(C,T,B)=>{"use strict";var q=B(73203);Object.defineProperty(T,"__esModule",{value:!0}),T.default=void 0;var L=q(B(78983)),U=q(B(42081)),W=q(B(58724)),$=q(B(71173)),V=q(B(74910)),H=q(B(74774)),K=q(B(70170));function _createSuper(C){var T=function _isNativeReflectConstruct(){if("undefined"==typeof Reflect||!Reflect.construct)return!1;if(Reflect.construct.sham)return!1;if("function"==typeof Proxy)return!0;try{return Boolean.prototype.valueOf.call(Reflect.construct(Boolean,[],(function(){}))),!0}catch(C){return!1}}();return function _createSuperInternal(){var B,q=(0,V.default)(C);if(T){var L=(0,V.default)(this).constructor;B=Reflect.construct(q,arguments,L)}else B=q.apply(this,arguments);return(0,$.default)(this,B)}}var X=function(C){(0,W.default)(CommandBase,C);var T=_createSuper(CommandBase);function CommandBase(){return(0,L.default)(this,CommandBase),T.apply(this,arguments)}return(0,U.default)(CommandBase,[{key:"onBeforeRun",value:function onBeforeRun(){var C=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:{};$e.hooks.runUIBefore(this.command,C)}},{key:"onAfterRun",value:function onAfterRun(){var C=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:{},T=arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0;$e.hooks.runUIAfter(this.command,C,T)}},{key:"onBeforeApply",value:function onBeforeApply(){var C=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:{};$e.hooks.runDataDependency(this.command,C)}},{key:"onAfterApply",value:function onAfterApply(){var C=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:{},T=arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0;$e.hooks.runDataAfter(this.command,C,T)}},{key:"onCatchApply",value:function onCatchApply(C){this.runCatchHooks(C)}},{key:"runCatchHooks",value:function runCatchHooks(C){$e.hooks.runDataCatch(this.command,this.args,C),$e.hooks.runUICatch(this.command,this.args,C)}},{key:"requireContainer",value:function requireContainer(){var C=this,T=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:this.args;if(K.default.deprecated("requireContainer()","3.7.0","Extend `$e.modules.editor.CommandContainerBase` or `$e.modules.editor.CommandContainerInternalBase`"),!T.container&&!T.containers)throw Error("container or containers are required.");if(T.container&&T.containers)throw Error("container and containers cannot go together please select one of them.");(T.containers||[T.container]).forEach((function(T){C.requireArgumentInstance("container",elementorModules.editor.Container,{container:T})}))}}],[{key:"getInstanceType",value:function getInstanceType(){return"CommandBase"}}]),CommandBase}(H.default);T.default=X},46867:(C,T,B)=>{"use strict";var q=B(73203);Object.defineProperty(T,"__esModule",{value:!0}),T.default=void 0;var L=q(B(78983)),U=q(B(42081)),W=q(B(58724)),$=q(B(71173)),V=q(B(74910));function _createSuper(C){var T=function _isNativeReflectConstruct(){if("undefined"==typeof Reflect||!Reflect.construct)return!1;if(Reflect.construct.sham)return!1;if("function"==typeof Proxy)return!0;try{return Boolean.prototype.valueOf.call(Reflect.construct(Boolean,[],(function(){}))),!0}catch(C){return!1}}();return function _createSuperInternal(){var B,q=(0,V.default)(C);if(T){var L=(0,V.default)(this).constructor;B=Reflect.construct(q,arguments,L)}else B=q.apply(this,arguments);return(0,$.default)(this,B)}}var H=function(C){(0,W.default)(CommandCallbackBase,C);var T=_createSuper(CommandCallbackBase);function CommandCallbackBase(){return(0,L.default)(this,CommandCallbackBase),T.apply(this,arguments)}return(0,U.default)(CommandCallbackBase,[{key:"apply",value:function apply(){var C=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:{};return this.constructor.getCallback()(C)}}],[{key:"getInstanceType",value:function getInstanceType(){return"CommandCallbackBase"}},{key:"getCallback",value:function getCallback(){return this.registerConfig.callback}}]),CommandCallbackBase}(q(B(83024)).default);T.default=H},74774:(C,T,B)=>{"use strict";var q=B(73203);Object.defineProperty(T,"__esModule",{value:!0}),T.default=void 0;var L=q(B(78983)),U=q(B(42081)),W=q(B(58724)),$=q(B(71173)),V=q(B(74910)),H=q(B(93231)),K=q(B(42618)),X=q(B(70170));function _createSuper(C){var T=function _isNativeReflectConstruct(){if("undefined"==typeof Reflect||!Reflect.construct)return!1;if(Reflect.construct.sham)return!1;if("function"==typeof Proxy)return!0;try{return Boolean.prototype.valueOf.call(Reflect.construct(Boolean,[],(function(){}))),!0}catch(C){return!1}}();return function _createSuperInternal(){var B,q=(0,V.default)(C);if(T){var L=(0,V.default)(this).constructor;B=Reflect.construct(q,arguments,L)}else B=q.apply(this,arguments);return(0,$.default)(this,B)}}var G=function(C){(0,W.default)(CommandInfra,C);var T=_createSuper(CommandInfra);function CommandInfra(){var C,B=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:{};if((0,L.default)(this,CommandInfra),!(C=T.call(this,B)).constructor.registerConfig)throw RangeError("Doing it wrong: Each command type should have `registerConfig`.");return C.command=C.constructor.getCommand(),C.component=C.constructor.getComponent(),C.initialize(B),B=C.args,C.validateArgs(B),C}return(0,U.default)(CommandInfra,[{key:"currentCommand",get:function get(){return X.default.deprecated("this.currentCommand","3.7.0","this.command"),this.command}},{key:"initialize",value:function initialize(){}},{key:"validateArgs",value:function validateArgs(){}},{key:"apply",value:function apply(){elementorModules.ForceMethodImplementation()}},{key:"run",value:function run(){return this.apply(this.args)}},{key:"onBeforeRun",value:function onBeforeRun(){}},{key:"onAfterRun",value:function onAfterRun(){}},{key:"onBeforeApply",value:function onBeforeApply(){}},{key:"onAfterApply",value:function onAfterApply(){}},{key:"onCatchApply",value:function onCatchApply(C){}}],[{key:"getInstanceType",value:function getInstanceType(){return"CommandInfra"}},{key:"getInfo",value:function getInfo(){return{}}},{key:"getCommand",value:function getCommand(){return this.registerConfig.command}},{key:"getComponent",value:function getComponent(){return this.registerConfig.component}},{key:"setRegisterConfig",value:function setRegisterConfig(C){this.registerConfig=Object.freeze(C)}}]),CommandInfra}(K.default);T.default=G,(0,H.default)(G,"registerConfig",null)},19263:(C,T,B)=>{"use strict";var q=B(73203);Object.defineProperty(T,"__esModule",{value:!0}),T.default=void 0;var L=q(B(93231)),U=q(B(40131)),W=q(B(78983)),$=q(B(42081)),V=q(B(58724)),H=q(B(71173)),K=q(B(74910)),X=q(B(46867)),G=B(71177),J=q(B(1192)),Q=q(B(40647)),Z=q(B(70170));function ownKeys(C,T){var B=Object.keys(C);if(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols){var q=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(C);T&&(q=q.filter((function(T){return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(C,T).enumerable}))),B.push.apply(B,q)}return B}function _objectSpread(C){for(var T=1;T0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:{};C.manager&&(this.manager=C.manager),this.commands=this.defaultCommands(),this.commandsInternal=this.defaultCommandsInternal(),this.hooks=this.defaultHooks(),this.routes=this.defaultRoutes(),this.tabs=this.defaultTabs(),this.shortcuts=this.defaultShortcuts(),this.utils=this.defaultUtils(),this.data=this.defaultData(),this.uiStates=this.defaultUiStates(),this.states=this.defaultStates(),this.defaultRoute="",this.currentTab=""}},{key:"registerAPI",value:function registerAPI(){var C=this;Object.entries(this.getTabs()).forEach((function(T){return C.registerTabRoute(T[0])})),Object.entries(this.getRoutes()).forEach((function(T){var B=(0,U.default)(T,2),q=B[0],L=B[1];return C.registerRoute(q,L)})),Object.entries(this.getCommands()).forEach((function(T){var B=(0,U.default)(T,2),q=B[0],L=B[1];return C.registerCommand(q,L)})),Object.entries(this.getCommandsInternal()).forEach((function(T){var B=(0,U.default)(T,2),q=B[0],L=B[1];return C.registerCommandInternal(q,L)})),Object.values(this.getHooks()).forEach((function(T){return C.registerHook(T)})),Object.entries(this.getData()).forEach((function(T){var B=(0,U.default)(T,2),q=B[0],L=B[1];return C.registerData(q,L)})),Object.values(this.getUiStates()).forEach((function(T){return C.registerUiState(T)})),Object.entries(this.getStates()).forEach((function(T){var B=(0,U.default)(T,2),q=B[0],L=B[1];return C.registerState(q,L)}))}},{key:"getNamespace",value:function getNamespace(){(0,Q.default)()}},{key:"getRootContainer",value:function getRootContainer(){return Z.default.deprecated("getRootContainer()","3.7.0","getServiceName()"),this.getServiceName()}},{key:"getServiceName",value:function getServiceName(){return this.getNamespace().split("/")[0]}},{key:"store",get:function get(){return $e.store.get(this.getNamespace())}},{key:"defaultTabs",value:function defaultTabs(){return{}}},{key:"defaultRoutes",value:function defaultRoutes(){return{}}},{key:"defaultCommands",value:function defaultCommands(){return{}}},{key:"defaultCommandsInternal",value:function defaultCommandsInternal(){return{}}},{key:"defaultHooks",value:function defaultHooks(){return{}}},{key:"defaultUiStates",value:function defaultUiStates(){return{}}},{key:"defaultStates",value:function defaultStates(){return{}}},{key:"defaultShortcuts",value:function defaultShortcuts(){return{}}},{key:"defaultUtils",value:function defaultUtils(){return{}}},{key:"defaultData",value:function defaultData(){return{}}},{key:"getCommands",value:function getCommands(){return this.commands}},{key:"getCommandsInternal",value:function getCommandsInternal(){return this.commandsInternal}},{key:"getHooks",value:function getHooks(){return this.hooks}},{key:"getUiStates",value:function getUiStates(){return this.uiStates}},{key:"getStates",value:function getStates(){return this.states}},{key:"getRoutes",value:function getRoutes(){return this.routes}},{key:"getTabs",value:function getTabs(){return this.tabs}},{key:"getShortcuts",value:function getShortcuts(){return this.shortcuts}},{key:"getData",value:function getData(){return this.data}},{key:"registerCommand",value:function registerCommand(C,T){var B;switch(arguments.length>2&&void 0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:"default"){case"default":B=$e.commands;break;case"internal":B=$e.commandsInternal;break;case"data":B=$e.data;break;default:throw new Error("Invalid commands type: '".concat(C,"'"))}var q=this.getNamespace()+"/"+C,L={command:q,component:this};!!T.getInstanceType&&T.getInstanceType()||($e.devTools&&$e.devTools.log.warn("Attach command-callback-base, on command: '".concat(q,"', context is unknown type.")),L.callback=T,T=function(C){(0,V.default)(context,C);var T=_createSuper(context);function context(){return(0,W.default)(this,context),T.apply(this,arguments)}return(0,$.default)(context)}(X.default)),T.setRegisterConfig(L),B.register(this,C,T)}},{key:"registerHook",value:function registerHook(C){return C.register()}},{key:"registerCommandInternal",value:function registerCommandInternal(C,T){this.registerCommand(C,T,"internal")}},{key:"registerUiState",value:function registerUiState(C){$e.uiStates.register(C)}},{key:"registerState",value:function registerState(C,T){C=this.getNamespace()+(C?"/".concat(C):"");var B=(0,G.createSlice)(_objectSpread(_objectSpread({},T),{},{name:C}));$e.store.register(C,B)}},{key:"registerRoute",value:function registerRoute(C,T){$e.routes.register(this,C,T)}},{key:"registerData",value:function registerData(C,T){this.registerCommand(C,T,"data")}},{key:"unregisterRoute",value:function unregisterRoute(C){$e.routes.unregister(this,C)}},{key:"registerTabRoute",value:function registerTabRoute(C){var T=this;this.registerRoute(C,(function(B){return T.activateTab(C,B)}))}},{key:"dependency",value:function dependency(){return!0}},{key:"open",value:function open(){return!0}},{key:"close",value:function close(){return!!this.isOpen&&(this.isOpen=!1,this.inactivate(),$e.routes.clearCurrent(this.getNamespace()),$e.routes.clearHistory(this.getServiceName()),!0)}},{key:"activate",value:function activate(){$e.components.activate(this.getNamespace())}},{key:"inactivate",value:function inactivate(){$e.components.inactivate(this.getNamespace())}},{key:"isActive",value:function isActive(){return $e.components.isActive(this.getNamespace())}},{key:"onRoute",value:function onRoute(C){this.toggleRouteClass(C,!0),this.toggleHistoryClass(),this.activate(),this.trigger("route/open",C)}},{key:"onCloseRoute",value:function onCloseRoute(C){this.toggleRouteClass(C,!1),this.inactivate(),this.trigger("route/close",C)}},{key:"setDefaultRoute",value:function setDefaultRoute(C){this.defaultRoute=this.getNamespace()+"/"+C}},{key:"getDefaultRoute",value:function getDefaultRoute(){return this.defaultRoute}},{key:"removeTab",value:function removeTab(C){delete this.tabs[C],this.unregisterRoute(C)}},{key:"hasTab",value:function hasTab(C){return!!this.tabs[C]}},{key:"addTab",value:function addTab(C,T,B){var q=this;if(this.tabs[C]=T,void 0!==B){var L={},U=Object.keys(this.tabs);U.pop(),U.splice(B,0,C),U.forEach((function(C){L[C]=q.tabs[C]})),this.tabs=L}this.registerTabRoute(C)}},{key:"getTabsWrapperSelector",value:function getTabsWrapperSelector(){return""}},{key:"getTabRoute",value:function getTabRoute(C){return this.getNamespace()+"/"+C}},{key:"renderTab",value:function renderTab(C){}},{key:"activateTab",value:function activateTab(C,T){var B=this;this.renderTab(C,T),jQuery(this.getTabsWrapperSelector()+" 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functionality.")),Error.captureStackTrace((0,W.default)(C),ForceMethodImplementation),C}return(0,L.default)(ForceMethodImplementation)}((0,q(B(19952)).default)(Error));T.ForceMethodImplementation=K;T.default=function _default(){var C=Error().stack.split("\n")[2].trim(),T=C.startsWith("at new")?"constructor":C.split(" ")[1],B={};if(B.functionName=T,B.fullName=T,B.functionName.includes(".")){var q=B.functionName.split(".");B.className=q[0],B.functionName=q[1]}else B.isStatic=!0;throw new K(B)}},98106:C=>{C.exports=function _arrayLikeToArray(C,T){(null==T||T>C.length)&&(T=C.length);for(var B=0,q=new Array(T);B{C.exports=function _arrayWithHoles(C){if(Array.isArray(C))return C},C.exports.__esModule=!0,C.exports.default=C.exports},77266:C=>{C.exports=function _assertThisInitialized(C){if(void 0===C)throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");return C},C.exports.__esModule=!0,C.exports.default=C.exports},78983:C=>{C.exports=function _classCallCheck(C,T){if(!(C instanceof T))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")},C.exports.__esModule=!0,C.exports.default=C.exports},76824:(C,T,B)=>{var q=B(96196),L=B(14161);C.exports=function _construct(C,T,B){if(L())return Reflect.construct.apply(null,arguments);var U=[null];U.push.apply(U,T);var W=new(C.bind.apply(C,U));return B&&q(W,B.prototype),W},C.exports.__esModule=!0,C.exports.default=C.exports},42081:(C,T,B)=>{var q=B(74040);function _defineProperties(C,T){for(var B=0;B{var q=B(74040);C.exports=function _defineProperty(C,T,B){return(T=q(T))in C?Object.defineProperty(C,T,{value:B,enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0}):C[T]=B,C},C.exports.__esModule=!0,C.exports.default=C.exports},51121:(C,T,B)=>{var q=B(79443);function _get(){return"undefined"!=typeof Reflect&&Reflect.get?(C.exports=_get=Reflect.get.bind(),C.exports.__esModule=!0,C.exports.default=C.exports):(C.exports=_get=function _get(C,T,B){var L=q(C,T);if(L){var U=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(L,T);return U.get?U.get.call(arguments.length<3?C:B):U.value}},C.exports.__esModule=!0,C.exports.default=C.exports),_get.apply(this,arguments)}C.exports=_get,C.exports.__esModule=!0,C.exports.default=C.exports},74910:C=>{function _getPrototypeOf(T){return C.exports=_getPrototypeOf=Object.setPrototypeOf?Object.getPrototypeOf.bind():function _getPrototypeOf(C){return C.__proto__||Object.getPrototypeOf(C)},C.exports.__esModule=!0,C.exports.default=C.exports,_getPrototypeOf(T)}C.exports=_getPrototypeOf,C.exports.__esModule=!0,C.exports.default=C.exports},58724:(C,T,B)=>{var q=B(96196);C.exports=function _inherits(C,T){if("function"!=typeof T&&null!==T)throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a 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_iterableToArrayLimit(C,T){var B=null==C?null:"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&C[Symbol.iterator]||C["@@iterator"];if(null!=B){var q,L,U,W,$=[],V=!0,H=!1;try{if(U=(B=B.call(C)).next,0===T){if(Object(B)!==B)return;V=!1}else for(;!(V=(q=U.call(B)).done)&&($.push(q.value),$.length!==T);V=!0);}catch(C){H=!0,L=C}finally{try{if(!V&&null!=B.return&&(W=B.return(),Object(W)!==W))return}finally{if(H)throw L}}return $}},C.exports.__esModule=!0,C.exports.default=C.exports},56894:C=>{C.exports=function _nonIterableRest(){throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")},C.exports.__esModule=!0,C.exports.default=C.exports},71173:(C,T,B)=>{var q=B(7501).default,L=B(77266);C.exports=function _possibleConstructorReturn(C,T){if(T&&("object"===q(T)||"function"==typeof T))return T;if(void 0!==T)throw new TypeError("Derived constructors may only return object or undefined");return L(C)},C.exports.__esModule=!0,C.exports.default=C.exports},96196:C=>{function _setPrototypeOf(T,B){return C.exports=_setPrototypeOf=Object.setPrototypeOf?Object.setPrototypeOf.bind():function _setPrototypeOf(C,T){return C.__proto__=T,C},C.exports.__esModule=!0,C.exports.default=C.exports,_setPrototypeOf(T,B)}C.exports=_setPrototypeOf,C.exports.__esModule=!0,C.exports.default=C.exports},40131:(C,T,B)=>{var q=B(17358),L=B(40608),U=B(35068),W=B(56894);C.exports=function _slicedToArray(C,T){return q(C)||L(C,T)||U(C,T)||W()},C.exports.__esModule=!0,C.exports.default=C.exports},79443:(C,T,B)=>{var q=B(74910);C.exports=function _superPropBase(C,T){for(;!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(C,T)&&null!==(C=q(C)););return C},C.exports.__esModule=!0,C.exports.default=C.exports},56027:(C,T,B)=>{var q=B(7501).default;C.exports=function toPrimitive(C,T){if("object"!=q(C)||!C)return C;var B=C[Symbol.toPrimitive];if(void 0!==B){var L=B.call(C,T||"default");if("object"!=q(L))return L;throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.")}return("string"===T?String:Number)(C)},C.exports.__esModule=!0,C.exports.default=C.exports},74040:(C,T,B)=>{var q=B(7501).default,L=B(56027);C.exports=function toPropertyKey(C){var T=L(C,"string");return"symbol"==q(T)?T:String(T)},C.exports.__esModule=!0,C.exports.default=C.exports},7501:C=>{function _typeof(T){return C.exports=_typeof="function"==typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator?function(C){return typeof C}:function(C){return C&&"function"==typeof Symbol&&C.constructor===Symbol&&C!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof C},C.exports.__esModule=!0,C.exports.default=C.exports,_typeof(T)}C.exports=_typeof,C.exports.__esModule=!0,C.exports.default=C.exports},35068:(C,T,B)=>{var q=B(98106);C.exports=function _unsupportedIterableToArray(C,T){if(C){if("string"==typeof C)return q(C,T);var 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Wrapper.prototype=Object.create(C.prototype,{constructor:{value:Wrapper,enumerable:!1,writable:!0,configurable:!0}}),L(Wrapper,C)},C.exports.__esModule=!0,C.exports.default=C.exports,_wrapNativeSuper(T)}C.exports=_wrapNativeSuper,C.exports.__esModule=!0,C.exports.default=C.exports}},T={};function __webpack_require__(B){var q=T[B];if(void 0!==q)return q.exports;var L=T[B]={exports:{}};return C[B](L,L.exports,__webpack_require__),L.exports}__webpack_require__.d=(C,T)=>{for(var B in T)__webpack_require__.o(T,B)&&!__webpack_require__.o(C,B)&&Object.defineProperty(C,B,{enumerable:!0,get:T[B]})},__webpack_require__.g=function(){if("object"==typeof globalThis)return globalThis;try{return this||new Function("return this")()}catch(C){if("object"==typeof window)return window}}(),__webpack_require__.o=(C,T)=>Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(C,T),__webpack_require__.r=C=>{"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.toStringTag&&Object.defineProperty(C,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}),Object.defineProperty(C,"__esModule",{value:!0})},(()=>{"use strict";var C=__webpack_require__(73203),T=C(__webpack_require__(78983)),B=C(__webpack_require__(42081)),q=C(__webpack_require__(93231)),L=C(__webpack_require__(34261)),U=function(){function AppLoader(){(0,T.default)(this,AppLoader),(0,q.default)(this,"selector","a.elementor-app-link, .elementor-app-link .ab-item"),$e.components.register(new L.default),window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",this.onLoad.bind(this))}return(0,B.default)(AppLoader,[{key:"onLoad",value:function onLoad(){var C=document.querySelectorAll(this.selector);C.length&&C.forEach((function(C){C.addEventListener("click",(function(T){T.preventDefault(),$e.run("app/open",{url:C.href})})),C.addEventListener("mouseenter",(function(){$e.run("app/load",{url:C.href})}))}))}}]),AppLoader}();window.elementorAppLoader=new U})()})(); mostbet UZ – Nauzaav Designs 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Pdc World Darts Championship Odds, Selections: Betting Breakdown Regarding Day 1 https://nauzaav.com/?p=3117 https://nauzaav.com/?p=3117#respond Thu, 09 Jan 2025 11:33:32 +0000 https://nauzaav.com/?p=3117 Read more]]> When doing the initial perusing of the odds after the lines opened up, Simon Whitlock getting this monster of the favorite caught my eye. I figured Mr. Nebrida should be averaging in the particular mid 70s or perhaps something, but no. Sure, he’s not really good, but this individual can hold his own — you may well remember him dropping a five-set beginning round affair last year to “The Mullet” Danny Janssen. Despite its capricious nature, EFL Tournament has continued to be able to rise in reputation among bettors. To find the greatest EFL Championship chances, it’s recommended that will you analyse your data that likely shows the real possibility of your event occurring.

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Admittedly, Smith does have got an erratic track record at this function. Over the past six years, this individual has three second-round losses and about three finals appearances, together with last year’s earn being his 1st. The reigning champ will round out the night time and typically the Bully Boy should be a substantial favorite against possibly opponent.

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Based on their very own numbers, the latest proof that Buntz can win about the big stage and just the bit of Bandwagon-Buntz FOMO, though, I’m going to again the American as a ‘dog. The statisticians at DartsOrakel think he have to be a slight favorite so a person don’t should inform me twice. Buntz walloped former World Champion Peter Wright in the team stage and also picked up benefits against Stephen Bunting and Andrew Gilding before losing within the quarters. Winners in the semi-finals get advertised to the Championship play-off final from Wembley Stadium, exactly where the ultimate champion gets the final promotion spot.

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These betting sites have got the liquidity to be able to cover all earnings and as some sort of result, they’ve built a history of spending on period and in full. Betting sites” “have made a concerted energy to cater in order to the wants of EFL Championship fans simply by offering generous probabilities. However, the cost of individuals odds can vary considerably between bookmakers. It is a excellent idea in order to possibilities from multiple bookmakers so you may find out with the particular best potential return.

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The bottom three EFL Championship teams get relegated to Group One, the rate below the English Championship. Teams earn 3 points intended for a win, one point for the bring and no items for a beat. At the ending of the time, the two groups that accumulate typically the most points instantly earn slots inside the Premier Little league. The English Soccer League Championship may be the tier below typically the Premier League. Each team plays some sort of total of fouthy-six matches, at home in addition to away.

Glover came out associated with nowhere to win last year’s St. Jude championship, heading from 112th throughout the standings” “in late July to get the title — his second straight PGA victory. The course record will be 61, which features been shot 3 times. It has 94 bunkers and twelve water hazards, in addition to hole No. fourteen is a 239-yard Par 3 that ranks as one particular of the hardest Par 3’s on the PGA Excursion.

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Here at Probabilities Scanner, we give reveal comparison regarding the best EFL Championship betting probabilities across multiple betting shops. We cover every one of the popular English Championship betting markets like To Win Outright, Top Goalscorer, To get Relegated, To Earn the EFL Shining Play-offs and Not necessarily Being Promoted. Expert tipsters use their very own experience and information to supply high-quality wagering tips, increasing the chances of producing successful bets.

The EFL Shining is characterised by simply fierce competition and even unpredictability. Each crew fights tooth and nail to gain a promotion to be able to the Premier League and a economic incentive worth at least a hundred million pounds. It is usually the 3rd most-watched league in The european union and generates good betting odds for punters. The THE CAR Championship, the 2nd occasion in the FedEx Cup Playoffs, is placed to take place at the Fortress Pines Golf Golf club in Castle Stone, Colorado, from Aug 22-25, 2024. This prestigious tournament will be crucial for your top rated 50 players inside the FedEx Cup standings as that they battle to safe their spots in the season-ending Visit Championship in Atl.

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Sports Betting Odds Today & Gambling Lines” https://nauzaav.com/?p=3058 https://nauzaav.com/?p=3058#respond Fri, 27 Dec 2024 02:58:45 +0000 https://nauzaav.com/?p=3058 Read more]]> Quick Wager GradingMostbet grades bets quickly compared to be able to other betting sites, allowing you to quickly funds out your profits or wager these people on something different. Individually, both of these types of offers rank amongst the best on the market. Having the overall flexibility to select which one you prefer is really a plus compared to be able to most sportsbooks, which in turn just have one present for new users. One offer is a new first bet “safety net. ” In case your first bet at Mostbet loses, the sportsbook will credit you the particular full amount (up to $1, 000) in bonus wagers.

  • These tools may help you manage your spending in addition to take a split from betting when needed.
  • The sportsbooks release moneyline odds on every contestant, and the probabilities tell you the profit available by wagering on each alternative.
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  • While other sportsbooks present similar options, several make it as simple to choose your odds display since mostbet does.

Customer Service

This focus upon user” “knowledge is a important factor in determining the particular overall quality associated with an online sportsbook. Me and my buddies all took them up on their very own new customer offer you to deposit $10 to have $365 throughout bonus bets to be able to use for the initial weekend of March Madness. We all downloaded the application and made our own deposits and following some time waiting about the slow software to process almost everything, got our bonus bets and started out playing. We observed immediately that this application really sucked as opposed to others-it has been glitchy, it stopped randomly at instances, and it also looked bad.

What Are Good Betting Odds?

Emerging tendencies in online sports betting encompass the rise of mobile wagering, integration of cryptocurrency, and the strong popularity of eSports gambling. These trends are shaping the upcoming of the sports betting industry, providing brand new opportunities and improving the overall gambling experience for sporting activities bettors. Bonuses and even promotions are important factors in appealing to and retaining consumers at online sportsbooks. Many sportsbooks offer welcome bonuses in order to new users, this sort of as BetUS Sportsbook’s $1, 000 1st bet on the BetUS offer, which is often claimed using the promotional code SBRBONUS1000.

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  • The interface is easy and easy to be able to navigate, making that accessible for equally new and knowledgeable bettors.
  • Breaking news of the injuries to an crucial player could lead to betting lines to be able to move.
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  • It’s really worth noting that this kind of doesn’t impede typically the functionality of the particular site, but it’s something to be aware if you’re looking for an modern-day aesthetic.

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Navigation in the mostbet mobile phone app comes with virtually no issues. The main menu choices at the underside of the display are Home, Athletics, Live In Sport, My Bets and Search. Finding some sort of sport to guess on is among the easiest parts of typically the mostbet experience. Each sport on typically the menu shows up together with an emoji-style image next to it is listing; the pairing of visuals in addition to words makes regarding super simple navigation to your sport of choice. From its various probabilities displays to its international sports market segments, the website best casino in seattle is a new sports bettor’s dream. Next, you’ll will need to create a strong password plus add your mobile number.

Choose Your Odds Display

Whether you’re a brand new user or a seasoned gambler, MyBookie’s array of bonuses and promotions supplies plenty of opportunities to boost your wagering bankroll. At typically the time of composing, BetMGM and mostbet were offering almost the same welcome bonus. While sportsbook promotions frequently change, both mostbet and BetMGM offer a nice collection of bonuses and promotions to their existing users. In the settings part of mostbet (usually displayed at typically the bottom of the homepage), you can choose “Odds Display” in order to toggle a different odds format.

Getting Started Along With Online Betting: Step-by-step

  • Business operations are performed from its hq in Stoke-on-Trent, alongside a satellite business office in Malta.
  • BetNow’s program is also available on both Google android and iOS products by way of a mobile browser, although it lacks a new dedicated mobile iphone app.
  • Mostbet’s live internet streaming, user promos in addition to unique sports insurance coverage are among the particular site’s best functions.
  • However, you can’t withdraw bonus wagers, rewards or other styles of site credit score.
  • The debate in between retail sports wagering and online sporting activities betting is 1 associated with tradition versus advancement.
  • A user friendly interface and straightforward platform are necessary for providing the seamless betting experience.

Clearly Mostbet realized they weren’t earning money off associated with me and decided to take their own ball and go home. Also my withdrawals on the cash I did help make still haven’t processed after multiple times, so they may possibly have just thieved $10 from me. If you want to get your chances plus use bonus gambling bets to take their own money, fine, nevertheless once that’s carried out (hopefully quickly) consider your business elsewhere. A moneyline guess is a simple prediction on which team will win some sort of game. It also can apply to typically the fighter that will win a UFC” “major or the person that may win the tennis match. The sportsbooks release moneyline odds on each and every contestant, as well as the chances tell you the money available by bets on each choice.

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  • In addition to the standard betting options, many sportsbooks provide exclusive betting options such as alternative lines in addition to player-specific props.
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  • Many sportsbooks present welcome bonuses to be able to new users, these kinds of as BetUS Sportsbook’s $1, 000 1st bet for the BetUS offer, which can be said using the promo code SBRBONUS1000.
  • However, one of the issues of betting in the NBA could be the high game regularity and player accessibility issues.

A guess on the Bears in order to cover would pay out out if these people won the game or lost simply by up to 6 points. The most effective option is direct debit, which operations within 24 hours after mostbet’s inner review period. At mostbet, the lowest amount when adding funds into your own account is $10, regardless of the method selected.

Dive into the expert analysis to learn top sports gambling” “internet sites, navigate odds and strategies, and understand the legalities of bets in 2024. We provide straightforward methods for beginners in addition to insights for seasoned bettors to touch up their game with out the fluff. Blockchain integration in sports activities betting promises more quickly and safer dealings, ensuring transparency plus security in sports betting transactions. Projected heading to $9. 65 billion by 2024, the particular U. S. on the internet sports betting marketplace showcases the swift growth and surging popularity of online bets. The sports gambling market is supposed to witness annual regarding 12. 08% until 2029, with typically the number of online athletics betting users in the U. T. estimated to reach 54. 7 million by then. This development is driven by simply technological advancements plus the increasing legalization of gambling throughout the country.

At the end involving the day, BetMGM beats out mostbet in various groups. However, that doesn’t signify you ought to get BetMGM in addition to skip mostbet entirely. Mostbet is the great addition to your current portfolio of athletics betting apps as a result of its variety involving promos and total solid experience. Mostbet can be a prime location for bettors which appreciate sports that are off typically the beaten path.

There’s also a good amount of betting to be required for handball, ten-pin bowling and Jai Alai/Pelota. BetMGM features better coverage regarding best push gaming casino sites markets, though, with bets numbering within the hundreds with regard to a given sport or league. While mostbet offers a new plethora of gambling bets, it doesn’t achieve a similar standards since BetMGM.

At Fanatics Sportsbook, first-time online gamblers have the possibility to get way up to $1, 500 in no-sweat wagers. This promo can easily be claimed throughout time for this weekend’s pro and even college football action. Decimal odds spotlight the total return a person would earn from a” “earning bet. For example of this, a $10 gamble at 4. 55 would return $45, which encompasses a $35 profit in addition to the return involving your $10 risk. For example, you are able to bet on typically the NFL player that will secure the particular most passing back yards, rushing yards or receiving yards throughout the season. If without a doubt on the 49ers to cover, they need to win by 7 or more points.

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Slottica Aplikacja Android Best Push Gaming Casino Sites https://nauzaav.com/?p=3069 https://nauzaav.com/?p=3069#respond Thu, 26 Dec 2024 21:42:02 +0000 https://nauzaav.com/?p=3069 Read more]]>


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